Blog Post #7

    I looked up numerous school websites for my county and did not find any teacher websites. However, the school websites themselves provided a lot of information such as teacher contacts, school schedules, asking for parent volunteers, links to social media accounts, etc. For my whole school career I did not have a teacher that created their own website and all communication was via the Remind app. That being said, while these school websites did not contain a teacher's individual website, it does not mean that they do not have their own form of communication to inform parents and students of what is happening in the classroom. This is the website I used to find these different schools:

    One tool that will help me as a teacher complete tasks more efficiently is google classroom. This will be an efficient way to post assignments for students to complete. Another tool that can be useful is the Remind app. I have had teachers use this since I was in middle school and I found it to be helpful because my teachers would send additional homework reminders on there. This app can also be useful for parents to send weekly updates about classroom activities and upcoming events.

    My experience with the Canvas group tool was great. It was hard to navigate at first because Canvas group is a new tool to me. However, afterwards it was easy to navigate and add information to the pages. Canvas is a website I might have to use in the future so I am glad that I had this experience of creating different pages and adding text/working links to these pages. I cannot think of anything to suggest since Canvas group is not hard to figure out with the tutorials.


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