Blog Post #3

    Copyright is a form of protection for intellectual property while fair use includes a set of guidelines teachers have to follow when it comes to using material for educational purposes. When dealing with these concepts as a teacher, I would make sure of the copyright rules for each material I want to use in my classroom whether it is by looking up the rules online for a certain material or asking other teachers in my school. When having students create their own work, I will remind them that if they are using a picture or quoting something from a website, that they will have to say where they got the material from and to site it. I never knew that teachers had to worry about copyright until reading these articles. It is a little worrying that this will be something extra on my plate that I will have to worry about, but overtime this will most likely be something I am more comfortable with.
    Cyberbullying is a serious issue and a topic that society has been more aware of since the introduction of technology to adolescents. A good way to educate elementary school students on cyberbullying is to remind them to treat others how they would like to be treated and that it is still possible to hurt someone's feelings online even if these words aren't said to their face. While it is important to set up policies to ensure cyberbullying does not continue such as contacting parents and other school-related discipline, it is important to get to the root of the problem and figure out why this student is cyberbullying in the first place. Often times, students may be cyberbullying others because of problems in their personal lives. So while it is necessary to let these students know that cyberbullying is not okay, we need to be mindful of problems going on in students' personal lives.
    I believe that generative AI can be an extremely helpful tool because it can come up with topics to write to get a student started on classwork or even help teachers create lesson plans. However, there must be limits to this because the use of generative AI in classrooms can both harm and help students. If generative AI is used to help a student write an entire paper, then the students' critical thinking skills can diminish overtime. This can also bring about copyright issues because they may unintentionally copy something from a generative AI website without crediting the source. Generative AI is a useful tool to come up with ideas and get someone started on an assignment, but it should not be heavily relied on.
    I am not the most creative person, but I really loved the newsletter assignment. It was fun to make and I think I may use newsletters in the future to keep parents up-to-date on what is going on inside the classroom. I learned how to use wordart, how to use columns in microsoft word, and how to make the newsletter look aesthetically pleasing. I did encounter some issues when converting my newsletter into a docx and pdf but with time I hope that I will be more comfortable with this.


  1. Your newletter is creative! You could remark the resources about intellectual property and copyright shared in the course module, and check updates regularly. As you have more information, you will become more skilled and comfortable in this area:)


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